Friday, February 7, 2014

New shot helps women achieve orgasms

'Good Morning America' reports that 50 million American women are having trouble between the sheets -- but a a new shot might be able to help.

'Good Morning America's ays that while men have 24 FDA approved medications for sexual dysfunction, women have a whopping zero.

Called the O-shot, the injection is filled with calcium-enriched platelets that are injected into the vagina to stimulate the growth of new cells.

One doctor says it's improved the sex lives of 85 percent of the 80 women to whom he has given the injection.

The inventor of the O-shot, Dr. Charles Runels, talked to WCMH about how it works: 'Remember when you scuffed your knee as a child and there's a scab there and that yellow goo there? That yellow goo is what caused the skin to regrow, and there's a way to make that in about 10 minutes while drawing your blood.'

Basically, once your blood is drawn, the platelets are injected with some calcium and form that yellow substance. It is then injected into the vagina to rejuvenate and create more cells.

Marcia, 64, said that after about 3 weeks of treatments, the results were like 'fireworks.'

'It has enhanced my response and my enjoyment more than I ever enjoyed it.'

As for safety, one urologist and expert in women's health issues told ABC News:

'Injecting growth factors into the genital tract of a woman has risks associated with it and the benefits have not been teased out.'

The shot costs roughly $1,500 and is not covered by insurance.

What do you think? Is that too much to spend, or is a satisfying sex life priceless?

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