Friday, July 26, 2013

Is Khloe Kardashian Trying to Trick Her Fans?

Khloe Kardashian and her husband Lamar Odom have been surrounded by a pretty upsetting scandal for the past few weeks.

A woman is claiming that she had a year-long affair with the nba star and when Khloe found out, she reportedly kicked Lamar out of their marital home.

According to the reports, Khloe is now desperate to avoid divorce and is "begging him to come back."

Since the scandal exploded, the reality star has been posting various pics of her hubby, which makes it look like they're together and it's business as usual.

What we find unusual, however, is that at least one of the pics that was posted and made to look like a new photo is actually over a year old.

Khloe recently tweeted this photo of the back of Lamar's head as he sits and watches TV. "I think someone is watching us #Henry," she wrote (referring to the giraffe). In the old version of the same photo, which she had posted 594 days prior, she included the caption, "Henry is watching the fight with us :)"

 Same photo, different captions... 594 days apart. Something doesn't add up.

This actually isn't the first time Khloe has fooled fans with an old photo. Just two weeks after sister Kim Kardashian gave birth, Khloe posted a pic on Facebook that showed her dog sleeping on the couch next to Kim with the caption "I love my lil baby so much..."

Media outlets were immediately buzzing with reports that Khloe had posted the first pic of Kim when, in fact, it was an old photo that she had Instagrammed months before.

These could just be misguided "Throwback Thursday" photos, but since the Kards are all so social-media savvy and always label their #tbt photos as such, we can't help but wonder if she is trying to do her own spin control, especially considering that the couple hasn't been photographed together in almost two months.

In fact, the only photos we've seen of them together have been--you guessed it--on Khloe's Instagram page, where she posted an old photo from their wedding night and another undated pic of her husband kissing her on the cheek.

Do you think she's posting old photos to try to throw people off?